Porte-poids Pour mieux ajuster le pendule anti-moineaux
Il arrive souvent qu'on ne sache pas toujours comment ajuster le balancement du pendule anti-moineaux.
Pour faciliter le travail, voici du nouveau, un porte-poids.
En fait, il suffit d'insérer deux (2) poids au porte-poids et de
déposer le tout dans l'entrée du pendule (fig.1). Il reste maintenant à ajuster le poids sous le pendule (fig. 2)
et le tour est joué. Des instructions accompagnent la livraison du porte-poids.
Le porte-poids est fourni avec l'achat d'un pendule.
Weight holder for Hironbec pendulum
Often questions are asked concerning the way to adjust the pendulum. Here is a tool which will facilitate the task. The idea is to place weights in the pendulum.
Before the arrival date of the Swallow, keep the pendulum very sensitive.
First of all:
1) Insert two (2) weights in the weight holder;
2) Lightly fold the sides of the weight holder to keep the weight inside.
- A Swallow weighs 20-21 grams.
- A House Sparrow weighs 30-32 grams.
- With two (2) weights, the weight holder weighs 26 grams. It is more than the Swallow weight. We have taken into account the fact that the bird weight will lightly increase as he hangs on the pendulum. The House Sparrow, with his 30 grams added to his momentum, will easily toggle the pendulum. But the Swallow will be able to rest without any problem.
Pendulum adjustment
Adjust the pendulum by making it less sensitive by moving the weight to the left under the pendulum, so it does not move when the weight holder is added.
Place the weight holder flat at the infeed of the pendulum;
Move the weight to the right under the pendulum, until the pendulum rests on the support screw located at the right of the pendulum.
Pour autres informations