More things
- The bottom is removable
- The feeder is easily accessable
- Even ground-eating birds will feed there as the bottom plate becomes their eating platform
- Here is the solution to keep grackles and larger birds from eating all your bird seed.
- What is better to protect grass from falling seed ?
Modèle 302
Récupérateur de graines; seed recuperator
Aluminium et broche 40cm.diam. x 75cm h. (16 po. diam. x 25po. h.)
Carreaux ; 2 x 2 pouces (5 x 5 cm)
Hexagonal style, made of wire mesh and aluminium (squares 2 x 2 in.)
- Du tournesol à l'année longue; adieu quiscales et pigeons
- Quoi de mieux pour protéger le gazon
- Les oiseaux à attirer selon la nourriture offerte: du cardinal aux plus petits; même les bruants y trouveront leur profit
- A suspendre
- Le plateau est amovible
- Smaller birds, from Cardinals down to wrens, will be able to access this sunflower feeder
- Grackles, blackbirds, doves and pigeons, will not succeed in eating at this feeder!
- Sunflower all the year
- To be suspended
- Récupérateur No 302 sans la mangeoire; seed recuperator without feeder
(No 775B)
Cdn$ 75$ (disponible sur place seulement; only at our facilities)
Récupérateur 302 = 75$ Mangeoire 775B= 40$